Gophers in your Lawn
Gophers create tunnels underground, “pushing up” the dirt that is excavated and deposit it on the surface of your lawn or landscape. They like to outfit their networks of tunnels with all the necessities of life, including living spaces, waste disposal, and tunnels for draining water. They will also take up residence under porches and patios.
They tend to look for loose soil surrounded by vegetation for cover and food. This makes lawns and crops great for a pocket gopher looking to raise its young. Gophers will commonly eat the roots of plants, trees, and shrubs, ultimately killing the plants. Your expensive landscaping can be ruined quickly by these busy little guys!

Gopher Trapping and Removal
Since gophers move quickly, gopher control should be executed as soon as an animal has been found residing on your property. In many cases, trapping and removing a gopher is the necessary solution. At AAAC Wildlife Removal, we can guarantee that our professionals will not only thoroughly resolve the problems generated by gopher occupation, but they will do so in the most humane way possible.
Gopher Control and Exclusion
Once the initial gopher problem is resolved, there is still the task of making sure no other gopher or burrowing animal decides to move into the ready-made tunnel system in your yard.
This can involve installing barriers underground, around the garden or fields, which requires a lot of labor and experience to make sure the job is well-done.
Our friendly AAAC Wildlife Removal specialists are up to date on the best methods to exclude gophers from your property so you don’t have to worry about your furry friends making a repeat visit.