Woodpecker Removal

Woodpeckers are usually a sight to behold, with their striking red heads and white bellies they can be quite a welcome addition to any birdwatcher's list. However, when these birds set their sights on your home, they can become quite a nuisance. Woodpeckers have been known to damage siding, shingles, and even windows in their relentless pursuit of food or nesting materials.

If you’re dealing with a woodpecker problem, calling a professional is always the best course of action. For effective woodpecker removal in Denver, contact the experts at AAAC Wildlife Removal of Denver. We have the experience and expertise to get rid of your woodpecker problem quickly and efficiently. Give us a call today!


Problems And Damage Woodpeckers Cause

Woodpeckers can cause a lot of damage to your home, especially if they find a spot that they like and keep coming back to it. Some of the most common damage that woodpeckers can cause includes:

  1. Damaging the paint on your house. This is because the woodpecker will use its beak to create holes in the paint, which will then allow moisture to seep in and damage the wood beneath.
  2. Damage siding, shingles, and windows. When woodpeckers go after these areas of a house, it can create some serious damage that will need to be repaired.
  3. Create holes in ornamental trees. This is not only unsightly, but it can also make the tree more susceptible to disease and pests. It can make the tree die.
  4. Bird droppings can be seen in eaves and on the siding. This is not only unsightly, but it can also be a health hazard.
  5. The noise they make can be very loud and annoying, especially if they are pecking at your house early in the morning or late at night.

As you can see, woodpeckers can cause some serious problems if they decide to start pecking at your house. If you are dealing with a woodpecker problem, the best thing to do is to call a professional.

Why Do Woodpeckers Peck?

We know woodpeckers for their wood-pecking behavior, but why do they actually peck? Woodpeckers will peck for a variety of reasons. Some of the reasons include:

To find food. Woodpeckers will use their beaks to peck at trees to find insects and their larvae that they can eat. Woodpeckers will use their beaks to create holes in trees so that they can reach the insects that are inside. If there are no trees around, they will often turn to houses.

To build their nests. Woodpeckers will use their beaks to peck at trees to find a suitable place to build their nests and to create a safe place for them to lay their eggs and raise their young. Once they find a spot, they will use their beaks to make a hole that is big enough for them to nest in.

To communicate. Woodpeckers will use their beaks to make a loud noise that can be heard by other woodpeckers. This is how they communicate with each other.

Attract Mate. Male woodpeckers will use their beaks to create a loud drumming noise to attract a mate.

To mark their territory. Woodpeckers will drum their beaks on trees or houses to mark their territory and to warn other woodpeckers to stay away. They will often drum with enough force to create vibrations and sound waves that will intimidate other male woodpeckers that are trying to invade their territory.

What Attracts Woodpeckers?

There are a variety of things that can attract woodpeckers to your property. Some of the things that can attract woodpeckers include:


Woodpeckers will often peck at houses and trees in search of insects and their larvae. If you have a lot of insects on your property, it’s likely that you will have woodpeckers as well.


This is because they will see the nest as a potential place to build their own nests. This is especially true if the nest is close to where they typically find food.


Woodpeckers need water to drink and to bathe in. If you have a pond or other body of water on your property, it’s likely that woodpeckers will be attracted to it.


Woodpeckers are also attracted to fruit trees. This is because they eat the fruits as well as the insects that are attracted to the fruit trees.

As you can see, there are a variety of things that can attract woodpeckers to your property. Making sure there is minimal of these attractants on your property can help to keep woodpeckers away.

How To Get Rid of Woodpeckers in Denver, CO

If you find yourself with a woodpecker problem, there are a few things that you can do to get rid of your woodpecker problem. Here are some effective bird control methods that you can use to get rid of woodpeckers:

Eliminate insects

Insects are another food source that woodpeckers are attracted to. If you have a lot of insects on your property, it’s important to eliminate them. This can be done by hiring an exterminator or by taking other measures to eliminate the insects.

Remove nests

Nesting spots are one of the things that woodpeckers are attracted to. If you have a nest on your property, remove them near your home.

Place a bird feeder far away from your home

If you want to have a bird feeder on your property, it’s important to place it far away from your home. Placing them far away will help to reduce the chances of woodpeckers being attracted to your property.

Frighten them with reflections, movement, or noises

Deterrents such as these can help to keep woodpeckers away from your property. You can use a variety of deterrents such as:

Bird scare tape. Bird scare tape has a reflective surface that will reflect sunlight and movement. This will frighten woodpeckers and keep them away from your property. Put in on your home siding, rooflines, and other areas where woodpeckers are active.

Bird repellant balloons. You can also use balloons to scare woodpeckers away. These inflatable balloons that move in the wind will help to create a movement that will scare woodpeckers away.

Bird scare discs. You can also use bird scare discs. These are reflective discs that spin in the wind. The spinning reflection will help to frighten woodpeckers and keep them away from your property.

Electronic bird deterrent. These devices emit a high-pitched noise that will help to scare woodpeckers away.

Cover wooden areas

Placing a physical barrier between the woodpecker and your property can help to keep them away. You can use chicken wire, netting, or other materials to cover wooden areas of your property. Some of these deterrents are:

Deterrent paint. They contain foul-smelling and tasting substances that will deter woodpeckers from pecking at your property.

Bird spikes. These are a common bird deterrent. They are long, thin, metal spikes that are placed on ledges and other areas where birds like to perch. The spikes make it difficult for birds to land and will deter them from your property.

Bird netting. This is a physical barrier that you can place over areas of your property that you want to protect. The netting will keep woodpeckers from being able to access the area.

Contact a Bird Pest Control Company

Woodpeckers, like other birds, can be quite persistent. If you find that you’re having trouble getting rid of woodpeckers, then it’s time to bring in the big guns and contact a wildlife control company. They will be able to help you get rid of your woodpecker problem in no time.

Woodpecker Removal in Denver, CO

If the preventive measures listed above do not work, you may need to hire a professional bird control company for woodpecker removal in Denver.

Birds are persistent animals and once they find a food source, they will keep coming back. Woodpeckers can cause a lot of damage to your home and ornamental trees, that’s why it’s important to take measures to prevent them from being attracted to your property in the first place.

In Denver, AAAC Wildlife Removal is a professional wildlife control company that can help you with woodpecker removal. We will work with you to find the best solution for your woodpecker problem. We have a variety of methods that we can use to get rid of woodpeckers, and we will work with you to find the best solution for your situation.

Woodpecker Exclusion

The best way to keep woodpeckers away from your property is to exclude them. This means creating a physical barrier that they cannot pass through. Woodpecker exclusion is the process of sealing off all entry points so that woodpeckers cannot get into your home or property.

You will need to hire a professional for this type of exclusion. A professional will be able to determine the best method for exclusion and will have the experience and tools to do the job correctly. Woodpecker exclusion can be a time-consuming and expensive process, but it is the best way to keep them away for good.

Bird Removal Services Near Me

When it comes to woodpecker removal, Denver residents can trust AAAC Wildlife Removal to get the job done right. We are a licensed and insured wildlife removal company that can help you with all of your wildlife needs.

We have the tools, experience, and knowledge to conduct effective pest control services in Denver. We will work with you to find the best solution for your woodpecker problem, and we guarantee that our services are effective.

After we remove birds, we also do bird damage repair. We will repair any damage that has been caused by woodpeckers, and we will also clean up any messes that they have made.

If you are having trouble with woodpeckers, then call AAAC Wildlife Removal today. We will be happy to help you get rid of your bird problem.

Other Wildlife Services

Aside from bird control, we also offer other wildlife services. We can help you with rodent control, Raccoon Removal, Squirrel Removal, Skunk Removal, opossum removal, and more. We use humane methods and we’re the leading wildlife control company in Denver, so you can trust us to get the job done right.

FAQs About Bird Control Services

What are common woodpecker species in Denver?

The most common woodpecker species in Denver are the downy woodpecker, hairy woodpecker, and northern flicker.

What can you do to stop a woodpecker from pecking at your house?

Stopping a woodpecker from pecking at your house can be difficult. The best thing you can do is to try and deter the woodpecker is to eliminate the food source that is attracting them to your property. You can also try physical and visual deterrents, these will make your property less appealing to the woodpecker and may stop them from coming back.

Does insurance cover woodpecker damage?

Most insurance companies will not cover woodpecker damage. This is because it is considered to be a preventable issue and also a part of wear and tear on your property. You can try to file a claim, but most likely it will be denied.

How do woodpeckers get attracted to your house?

There are a few things that can attract woodpeckers to your property. One of the most common reasons is because there is a food source that they are after. This could be insects in the siding of your house or bugs in your gutters. And if a home has insect infestation, woodpeckers will be attracted to it.

Dean Grose

We are passionate about helping our friends, neighbors, and customers manage their wildlife issues, and keep their homes safe and secure. If you’re struggling with an uninvited guest in your house or yard, give us a call!

  • AAAC Certified Wildlife Professionals
  • AAAC Wildlife Removal 10-Years Award
  • Better Business Bureau Accredited Business
  • Licensed, Insured, Bonded
  • Humane Certified Professionals
  • National Wildlife Control Operators Association
  • Home Repair Specialists
  • Bat Conservation International
  • Animal Control Experts

We proudly serve the Denver Metro area

Counties: Denver, Boulder, Broomfield, Douglas, Jefferson

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Solana Drive, Denver, CO 80229